Sale!SIGNED EDITION! — Currently available in US only. Book II of the Chalam Færytales series. The epic færytale continues in this gripping saga. Some secrets change the world.
Sale!SIGNED EDITION! — Printed editions ship to U.S. only. Book II of the Chalam Legends series.
Melody and harmony. Verse and chorus. Song and dance. Love. True and steadfast. This was love.
Sale!SIGNED EDITION! — Printed editions ship to U.S. only. Book I of the Chalam Legends series.
There is only one true magic, Miriam. Never forget that. Let it guide you. Wherever you go, whatever happens, never forget it.
Sale!SIGNED EDITION! — Currently available in US only. Book V of the Chalam Færytales series. We will sing the song until it is no longer night. We will sing it until the world is filled with Light once more.