As a writer, I am deeply inspired by art and music. As an artist and musician, I am deeply inspired by the world around me. So whether I set pen to page, whether I write a song, whether I pick up my (digital) paint brush, I like to think that all of my art—in all of its forms—is really just continuations of each other. That one song led to one art piece, which inspired a scene in a book, which gave me an idea for a melody, which put a poem on my heart, and on and on.
And so, when I sat down to create the world of The Promised One, of course I envisioned every place, every tree, every mountain and valley. And of course, when I set about trying to find inspiration for what’s in my mind on the likes of Pinterest, I could come close, but it was never quite right.
So I decided to do something about that.
This piece, lovingly called Faerytale Castle, is inspired by a world you haven’t been to yet (since it’s not in the short stories, but the forthcoming books). But it’s my favorite place, nonetheless. Whimsical. Magical. The Kingdom of Haravelle, ladies and gentlemen. More pieces will come, but I just had to start with my favorite because…mountains, castles, stars. Oh my.
I hope you enjoy this piece as much as I enjoyed creating it. Just as I hope you enjoy my stories as much as I enjoy writing them.
More to come, my friends. So much more to come.
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