
What Is a Ministry, After All?

In light of recent scandals unfolding at places like Daystar Television, and even in the spirit of asking ourselves the tough questions like whether a vocational pastor needs a leer jet, I've begun to ask a bigger question: what is a ministry? And more importantly: what is NOT a ministry? I think we can all safely agree that a church, at its heart, is a ministry. In the 1828 Webster's Dictionary (the more accurate dictionary, let's be honest), we find the proper definition of the word: MIN'ISTRY, noun [Latin ministerium.] The office, duties or functions of a subordinate agent of any kind.

December 30th, 2024|Christian Life, The Church, Working Life, Worship|0 Comments

The Church’s Abuse Problem is a Theology Problem

When we find men and women of God who genuinely want to serve and be a part of something for the Kingdom of God, we often find a certain personality type. They're usually humble. They're usually meek. They're usually submissive. And unfortunately, these qualities make them ripe for manipulation, gaslighting, and abuse. I've seen it too many times to count. For a long time, I thought I had had one long, unlucky streak in my church and ministry experiences. It seemed like everywhere I went, I encountered narcissistic personalities high up in ministry, willing and eager to manipulate in the

December 23rd, 2024|Christian Life, The Church, Worship|0 Comments

The Lessons We Should Learn from Daystar

In recent days, news has begun to trickle in the Christian community about a budding scandal at Daystar Television Network. For the most part, this news has stayed fairly buried, only showing up on fringe X accounts and lesser-known journalists' websites. I have my suspicions about why that is, but I'll get into that in a bit. In a nutshell, the story that is emerging is a tale as old as time. Jonathan Lamb, son of the late Marcus Lamb, and his wife Suzy have come forward with claims of sexual abuse against not only Suzy, but their young daughter

December 2nd, 2024|Christian Life, The Church, Worship|0 Comments

We Have No Other Choice Now

It's time to fix what we've done to the Church. If we don't, God will, and I don't think anyone is prepared for that. Author's Note: To this point, in every article I've written, I have been careful NOT to mention names, dates, or locations of any of the churches I have been part of. My purpose has been to share systemic issues I've witnessed, not bring down any one entity or person. You will see a clear departure from that rule in this article. I will mention names, dates, and locations. The reason for the departure from my

Protecting Abusers in the Name of Protecting the Brand

What happens when church leadership not only protects abusers but sets up a system to enable them? We Forgot How to "People"A friend of mine once lamented to me that her main grievance with the Church today is that we just don't know how to "people." For an institution that was created firstly to worship God and secondly, to make disciples, we have certainly forgotten that people are the key factor to both of those things. People are the heart and soul of a church because a church would not be necessary were it not for the existence of people. Perhaps

February 29th, 2024|Christian Life, The Church, Working Life, Worship|0 Comments

You’re Buying Into the Prosperity Gospel

I bet you believe some form of the Prosperity Gospel and don't even know it. It's a four-letter word in the Church today: Prosperity Gospel charlatans and their ilk have come to be known as the snake oil salesman of evangelicalism and the New Apostolic Reformation. They show up on Sundays in their $5,000 hoodies and $1,200 sneakers. They fly in on their private jets. They televise their services to millions each week. They tout their wealth and promise that you too can have it if you just have as much faith as they do. And millions fall for it.

February 12th, 2024|Christian Life, The Church, Worship|0 Comments

The Not Exhaustive But Ridiculously Too Long List of Grievances

It seems like the Church today is prone to spiritual abuse. Whether Catholic or Protestant, mega or mini-sized, the Church is rampant with bad leaders acting selfishly, manipulating and lying for purposes that defy logic. Why? What is the pattern that facilitates this behavior? And how can we get better? Be better? Do better? This is the conversation I think we must have. Now. I've been a part of all kinds of churches, of all kinds of denominations and theological backgrounds, of all sizes. I've attended the little ol' country church on the county line and the mega-church with a

January 22nd, 2024|Christian Life, The Church, Worship|0 Comments

Is Marketing Jesus Killing the Church?

My last article, which several thousand of you read (thank you so much), apparently struck a chord. It's becoming undeniably clear that something is fundamentally broken about the modern Church movement in the West. Too many are leaving disenchanted, confused, hurt, broken, and even questioning their faith. If it were only me, I would have shrugged it off as some sort of personal deficiency or misunderstanding. But I have heard from hundreds of you over the last few days, reaching out (mostly anonymously) to tell me you've experienced the same things I did -- namely abuse and a woeful lack

January 9th, 2024|Christian Life, The Church, Worship|0 Comments

Deconstructing My Deconstruction

I began writing this article in February 2023. Scratch that. I began wrestling with the content of this post in January 2020, but I hadn't been able to articulate it until now. Even so, you can see that it's January 2024 and I'm just now posting it. There are reasons for that, too, which I will get into later. I haven't really shared my story. I've held a lot back and there are lot of reasons for that. But it's time. 2023 brought for me and my family some huge changes -- from walking away from our church denomination of

The Live Oak and the Bradford Pear

For years now I've been wrestling with the Church. In the early months of that struggle, I thought I was struggling with my faith, but over time I've come to realize that my struggle has never been with whether God exists, whether I believe that, or whether that should affect me. (He does, I do, and it does, to be clear.) My struggle has been with the Church. And I've struggled with it for a long time. I've kicked around this proverbial can for years, vacillating between various versions of my own coping mechanisms, trying to avoid the pain I've

May 9th, 2023|Christian Life, The Church, Worship|0 Comments

The Music that Inspired The Stag at Hand

As many of you know, I always make a playlist for the book I'm writing. It's a way of inspiring me to write certain scenes, to get me in the mode, and to connect more deeply with each character and their respective journeys. As a musician, I suppose it was inevitable that music would play an integral role in my writing. So today, I wanted to share with you the playlist I listened to ad nauseam during the writing of The Stag at Hand. Each song has particular meaning for moments in the book, or characters themselves. But I

When Did We Start Demanding Miracles?

It is not great faith to demand something of God. Let me repeat that. It is not great faith to demand God to do anything. But that's what's happening today. And the #WakeUpOlive movement is only a symptom of a much bigger, and much more terrifying problem in the modern Church. A Worldwide Movement A few days ago, my Instagram feed started to fill with post after post from prominent Christian leaders. All of them cried out in great faith, and all of them were asking one thing: for God to resurrect a little girl from the dead. Immediately, my

December 18th, 2019|Christian Life, Family, Worship|2 Comments

Gateway Worship Live Recording – 5.15.15

Friends, you're invited to join us for the Gateway Worship Live Recording of the new album! It's Friday, May 15, 2015 and we'll be singing some songs you'll know and some new ones, too! Featuring the likes of Thomas Miller, Mark Harris, Kari Jobe-Carnes, Cody Carnes, Anna Byrd, and more! I'll be there, singin' my little heart out with the rest of the team and I hope you will, too! Excerpt from GatewayPeople.com: Walls Are Comin’ Down For the past three years, Gateway Worship pastors and teams have been praying, watching, and waiting on the Lord for what the next

May 8th, 2015|Announcements, Worship|0 Comments

Destination: Wonderfully Made

Friends, I am leading worship for a girls retreat this summer and I would love to have you join us! If you're a girl, middle school to high school, this is the retreat for you! There will be horseback riding, hayrides, bonfires, and of course worship and amazing talks. It's a chance to find out that you truly are Wonderfully Made! When: June 20-22, 2014 Where: Three Mountain Retreat Center - Clifton, TX Who: Girls, ages middle school to high school What: A retreat to help us see that we truly are Wonderfully Made! If you want more info, click

April 10th, 2014|Upcoming Events, Worship|0 Comments


Is it just me or does your inner self ever ask questions like this? "But I thought as a Christian, I wouldn't have any problems...?" "Why am I still struggling? Shouldn't faith eliminate the struggle?" "I thought Jesus would get rid of my problems. Is there something wrong with me?" Maybe you don't literally ask yourself those questions. But maybe it silently nags at you from time to time. Maybe you, like me, find yourself beating yourself up when things aren't as easy as you felt they should have been. Maybe you are your own worst enemy. I know I

April 2nd, 2014|Christian Life, Worship|0 Comments

Jesus Keeps Disappointing Me

I have a question today. It's simple, really. But I've been pondering it a lot lately. Do you love Jesus? Do I love Jesus? To clarify, in the context of this post, this is not a question for non-believers. Certainly if you don't believe in your need for Jesus, if you're not a believer, I am praying that your eyes will be opened. Certainly if you don't have Jesus, you need Him. But that's for another post. Today's question is for believers - do we love Jesus? I'm not asking this question as some sort of ploy to get us

March 30th, 2014|Christian Life, Worship|0 Comments

A Bold Humility

Bold humility. Humble boldness. No matter how you word it, those two words don't go together. They are counter-intuitive. One should cancel out the other. To the world, that is. But I've learned something pretty profound about God as I've walked with Him - He's all about surprising us with opposite, counter-intuitive, seemingly impossible thinking. When we say, "Stay. It's not going to work," He says, "Go. I've got this." When we think it's crazy, He says it's His plan. When the world says, "Your life has to look a certain way," God says, "Let me show you what real

March 25th, 2014|Christian Life, Worship|0 Comments

A Song For a Friend

Above: Stacy (left) with her beautiful daughter (right) with my husband on our wedding day It was five years ago today. We lost a friend that was one of the most selfless, kind, truly honest persons I've ever met. Her name was Stacy. She was a wife, a mother, a friend, a lover of Jesus. And to me, she was a rock. I miss her every time I have a funny story to tell. I think of her every time I pass by the places we frequented together. I miss her every time something happens in my life

March 2nd, 2014|Christian Life, Family, Worship|1 Comment

Unexpected Turns and Crazy Ideas

When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit’s words to explain spiritual truths. But people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means. Those who are spiritual can evaluate all things, but they themselves cannot be evaluated by others. For, “Who can know the Lord’s thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?” But we

February 18th, 2014|Christian Life, Working Life, Worship|0 Comments

Like a Good Little Christian

I used to be a good little Christian. I knew all the Christian-ese. I had a few key scriptures memorized. I did all the things good Christians do - I read my Bible pretty regularly, I went to church every Sunday, I listened to worship music in my spare time, I memorized popular Bible verses. I was really good at acting like a good Christian. And I counted it all as merits in my honor. I was doing a God a favor, I guess. I used to think that there were levels of Christianity. Growing up in church, I was

January 27th, 2014|Christian Life, Worship|0 Comments

I Didn’t Have Time for God

I was too tired to read the Bible. It put me to sleep. I struggled for a long time. I felt like a failure. I looked around me and saw my Christian friends reading the Bible, growing, learning, praying, in what seemed like a perfectly disciplined faith. I felt like I couldn't live up to that anymore because I was a mother. What little time I had to myself, I was too tired to read the Bible. It put me to sleep. I felt so guilty that reading the Word of God put me to sleep, but it did. I

January 9th, 2014|Christian Life, Family, Working Life, Worship|1 Comment

When God Makes No Sense

When you can't feel God, believe He's there anyway. When you can't see God's hand, believe it's there anyway. When you can't understand God's plan, trust it anyway. That's faith, friends. It's easy to see a person of faith and assume they just walk on a bed of roses, perhaps blissfully unaware of the issues around them. It's easy to look at someone else's life and say, "Yeah, good for them, but they have no idea what real suffering is. They have no idea how hard my life or situation is." But they do. How do I know? Because they're

January 6th, 2014|Christian Life, Worship|1 Comment

A Spiritual Smorgasbord and Its Various Impacts On an Otherwise Sane Person

I grew up in church. Ok, more specifically I grew up in a non-denominational Disciples of Christ church and an evangelical, charismatic Church of God private school. And then I went to a Baptist church. Ok so, more accurately, I grew up denominationally confused. The liturgical, dogmatic church where I grew up was in stark contrast to the charismatic, evangelical spirit-filled church where I went to school. Whereas on Sunday mornings I was wearing robes and lighting candles, on weekdays I was casting out demons and dancing in chapel. Then when I became Baptist I learned a lot about rules

November 12th, 2013|Christian Life, Family, Worship|1 Comment

The Credit and the Glory

It was only when I realized I had failed that I realized I had finally passed the test. I had been a worship musician traveling between various towns and churches for over ten years. I had played every kind of venue there was - the famed, the dive, the tiny, the nostalgic, the coveted. I could credit to myself many accomplishments during those years. I could name off the cool people I had met, the opportunities I had had, the names I had opened for. My band had been on TV in literally every country in the world. But I

September 17th, 2013|Christian Life, Worship|0 Comments

For everything, there is a season

Recently, my husband and I made a huge decision. After several years (yes, years) of praying, considering, questioning, and praying some more, we decided that it's time to say goodbye to the band, Lately. I've been playing in a band since I was sixteen years old, starting off in my little youth band at the Baptist church I grew up in. A band is a lot like a marriage - a lot of ups and downs, a lot of good times, a lot of struggles, where communication is crucial and emotions have to be the caboose, not the engine. We

August 2nd, 2012|Christian Life, Family, Working Life, Worship|0 Comments
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