With or Without You // U2 Cover
This is one of my favorite songs from one of the most-played albums in my Apple Music library. Once, in high school, I got to play this song for an end-of-year teacher talent show. My history teacher put together a band of students, complete with two drummers. I felt so freakin' cool that he asked me to play keys for that band and it 100% whet my appetite for playing music live. From that point forward, I have been insatiable. So in a way, I guess you could say this song birthed my love for playing in a
O Holy Night // Official Lyric Video
This original version of the classic Christmas carol is arranged, performed, and produced exclusively by Morgan G Farris. When I decided I wanted to release a Christmas EP, I knew I had to include this song. The first time I paid attention to it I was a kid and, oddly enough, it was while watching Home Alone. That boy's choir singing it in the background as Kevin buys groceries alone in his town affected me in ways that have stuck with me all my life. Then sometime in my early teens, I attended a boars head festival at
Stand By Me // Ben E. King Cover
My latest cover is live on YouTube. Whenever I listen to this song I'm immediately transported to my childhood, dancing on my father's toes in the formal dining room in front of our massive '80s stereo, listening to Motown on his collection of 45s. Aside from the fact that this is an incredible song, it also happens to be quite possibly the world's most perfect. So here's my love letter to those days. Enjoy!
The War and the Petrichor // Official Trailer
I've been writing this series for more than five years now. And this book is the culmination of Ferryl and Adelaide's story. While it's not the end of the series, it is the end of this particular storyline. And it feels surreal to be releasing it into the world. Thank you all so much for joining me on this journey. I hope you love this book as much as I do. The War and the Petrichor The Chalam Færytales Book V Get it Here
This Blood / O The Blood
Easter is on its way... let's get some church™ up in here. If you remember a few posts ago (read: tons of posts ago), I got to sing this with the great Rita Springer herself when I was part of the choir at Gateway Church. To this day, that is THE single most powerful performance I've ever been a part of. Now, I'm no Rita, but I tried to do her justice. She's a legend.
I get asked about this one a lot. After all, it's an incredible song by a phenomenal singer. I'm not mad about covering it, but here's to hoping I did it justice.
His Eye is On the Sparrow
I'm an '80s kid. I cut my teeth on Sister Act and Sister Act II. So of course, I had to sing one of my favorites from the movies. Because in these uncertain times, it's a reminder I needed.
The Perdurables // Official Trailer
It's here, my friends! The official trailer for The Perdurables, The Chalam Færytales Book IV is out! I'm so excited to share this one with you. It's a book I never planned to write, but a story that wouldn't quit hounding me until I gave it its day in the sun. So without further ado, I present to you the latest trailer, my friends. Enjoy!
Wicked Game
I've always loved this song. From the time I was young, it would come on the radio and I would stop just to listen to its haunting melody. Its hypnotic repetition. Its romance and its heartbreak. Fast forward to my writing days and I find my characters within the depths of songs. This one for me is the song of Michael and Delaney. It's their story—hers and his. So I decided I should sing it for them. It's only fair that I should serenade fictional characters, right?
Heaven Come 2018
Every once in a while, you have these moments you know will define you. Mark you. Change you forever. This was one of those for me. I had the crazy, amazing, life-altering privilege of singing in the Heaven Come Conference with Bethel Music this year. And wow. Just... wow. There is something indescribable about being in a room of 6,500 people singing out to the Creator at the top of their lungs. I mean, come on. You can check out a little of that night in the video. And you'll see my little mug anytime they zoom in on Jenn
Song Story // Ferryl’s Song
Have you seen the trailer for The Promised One? If you have, then you've gotten a taste of an original composition of mine that I lovingly call Ferryl's Song. It's a piece I wrote for the trailer to tell the story arc of The Promised One from Ferryl's perspective—the peace of a lifelong love that is cast into shadow by dark magic, a journey to awaken the truth, and an ending that doesn't answer everything. Yes, every stanza of this piece tells that story. Can you hear it? Check it out! And yes, in case you're wondering... there is more
The Promised One – Trailer!
Guys... GUYS! The Promised One has a trailer! I am dying I love it so much. It was brilliantly crafted by Jagg Pette and the amazing team over at Jagg Pette Media. And yes, I wrote and performed the music for it. *sigh* Enjoy! And don't forget to preorder!
Take Courage – Morgan G Farris
I just love these lyrics — take courage. He's in the waiting.
Let It Be – Morgan G Farris
Because...the Beatles, right?
Hallelujah – Morgan G Farris
Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen. Because...I mean, do I need a because?
Forever – Kari Jobe and Gateway Worship
Some of you may have already heard, but something crazy amazing happened this Easter. As part of the Gateway Worship team and choir, it was mentioned that it would be awesome to have a choir descant to sing with Kari at Easter. I took it as a personal challenge and sat down at the piano one afternoon to see if the Lord had anything He wanted to write through me.He did.In the bridge of this song (at the 3:32 mark), you'll hear the descant that I wrote to Kari Jobe's amazing anthem, "Forever." (ProTop: You might even get to see
The Love of God – Gateway Worship
I had the privilege of helping to write and arrange the background vocal choir parts for this song. I encourage you to listen to the lyrics. They are breathtaking and powerful. And if you look close enough, you might even see me singing with the choir on the front row. 🙂 He is the Lamb, He is the love! Happy listening.
This Blood – Gateway Worship feat. Rita Springer
So I had the privilege of being a part of this. And I still ugly snot cry every time I watch it, the same way I did up on that platform. The Holy Spirit was ALL OVER this. You'll see the audience agreed. Enjoy! (And get some Kleenex.) Artist: Gateway Worship feat. Rita Springer When: Gateway Conference 2014, Southlake, Texas
A Little More (Official Lyric Video) – Morgan G Farris
The official lyric video for the single, A Little More, by Morgan G Farris. Piano/Vocals: Morgan G Farris Drums: Ty Lambert Guitar/BGVs: Halston Portalez Bass/BGVs: Marc Gonzales ©2014 Morgan G Farris. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.
Bless the Lord (10,000 Reasons) – Rehearsal
A little worship rehearsal never hurt anyone. This is one of my favorite worship songs because it reminds me of traditional hymns, a breed of worship I happened to grow up on and still love. Enjoy! 🙂
Beauty of the Mystery – Morgan G Farris
Morgan G Farris (formerly Lately) performs Beauty of the Mystery in front of a live studio audience for the taping of Daystar's Check the Sound. Recorded September 18, 2008. First aired February 20, 2009. Piano/Vocals: Morgan G Farris Drums: Daniel Taylor Bass/BGVs: Marc Gonzales ©2008-2014 Morgan G Farris. All rights reserved.
I Got Here – Morgan G Farris
Morgan G Farris (formerly Lately) performs I Got Here in front of a live studio audience for the taping of Daystar’s Check the Sound. Recorded September 18, 2008. First aired February 20, 2009. Piano/Vocals: Morgan G Farris Drums: Daniel Taylor Bass/BGVs: Marc Gonzales ©2008-2014 Morgan G Farris. All rights reserved.
Reality – Morgan G Farris
Morgan G Farris (formerly Lately) performs Reality in front of a live studio audience for the taping of Daystar’s Check the Sound. Recorded September 18, 2008. First aired February 20, 2009. Piano/Vocals: Morgan G Farris Drums: Daniel Taylor Bass/BGVs: Marc Gonzales ©2008-2014 Morgan G Farris. All rights reserved.