
Atheism is Impossible (A New Year’s Revelation)

It's a new year, and while most of us are probably wrestling with our resolutions and how we are going to finally execute them this year, I have a challenge for you. Instead of a resolution, how about you have a revelation? Scientifically, you can't be an atheist. My pastor told a story once about sitting on a plane next to an atheist. He challenged the man by telling him that he thought atheism was scientifically impossible. You can hear his witty banter here, if you want. Or you can read my summary. My pastor challenged the man by pointing

January 1st, 2014|Christian Life, Science|0 Comments

Can a Christian Believe in Evolution?

I was reared to learn all the answers, stand on them and never waiver. I was reared that "if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." And I believe that. With all my heart I believe that. But the caveat is that I don't believe I get the answers right 100% of the time. I believe that I can learn new things and apply them to my foundation without it negating any principle I stand on. I believe that as technology changes, science progresses, and the world moves on, new theories, discoveries, even belief systems can and will

May 28th, 2009|Science|0 Comments
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