The Blog

I Can Love Jesus Without Going to Church

I hear this a lot these days: "I can love Jesus without going to church." I suppose you can. But you won't get very far. If you're one of those people, don't tune out. There's something you need to hear. When I was in college, I saw a tshirt that said, "Jesus is not a religion." I loved it. I thought it was so perfect. That's right, Jesus not a religion! What a revolutionary thought!! It was that mindset that set me down the path to the version of Christian "spirituality" I sported for many years. I loved to say

June 25th, 2014|Christian Life|0 Comments

Things My Kids Say: No. 025

My son has a problem interrupting these days. I'm aware it's an epidemic among three year olds, but it's annoying so I'm trying to end the habit. I told him today that if he needs to talk, he can tap a grown up on the arm and say, "Excuse me." While I was in the middle of my speech on the importance of not being interrupted, I was interrupted with... Virgil: Umm, excuse me. Me: Yes, son. What do you need to say? Virgil: Ummm... Ummmm... Umm... Ummmmm... Ummmm... Umm... Ummmmm... I... I need to... I need to... Ummm... Talk.

June 18th, 2014|Things My Kids Say|0 Comments

Things My Kids Say: No. 024

Today's Edition: Toddler grocery lists. This boy knows how to entice a mom (notice the strategic placement of vegetables on the list). This boy has my number... Virgil: Mommy, I want to go to Walmart. Me: You do? What for? Virgil: I need groceries. Me: What groceries do you need? Virgil: Bread, Ice Cream, a Monster Truck and Peas. Me: Well son, sounds like you've got your priorities straight.

May 16th, 2014|Things My Kids Say|0 Comments

When Following Him Gets Exhausting

It has been a busy season of life, to say the least. Between kiddos, husband, family, work, worship, church groups, songwriting, and trying to do all of that while keeping the house from looking like a disaster area, I am little tired. Okay, really tired. I used to never take naps because I knew that if I napped, I wouldn't sleep that night. The other day, I took two long naps and STILL slept like a baby that night. Now THAT is what I call a sabbath. It was bliss. But it showed me just how tired I really am.

May 9th, 2014|Christian Life, Working Life|0 Comments

Things My Kids Say: No. 023

Sometimes, a doctor's gotta go too... Virgil: (Wearing his stethoscope) Mommy, I'm a doctor! Me: You are? Virgil: Yes, it's time for your check up! Me: Okay! Virgil: You are doing great! (a few seconds later...) I need to tinkle!!! The doctor needs to tinkle!!! Me: Okay, buddy. Virgil: Can you say, "Okay, Dr. Virgil?" Me: Yes, Dr. Virgil. I've never had to help my doctor go pee before, but I suppose there really is a first time for everything.

April 12th, 2014|Things My Kids Say|0 Comments

Destination: Wonderfully Made

Friends, I am leading worship for a girls retreat this summer and I would love to have you join us! If you're a girl, middle school to high school, this is the retreat for you! There will be horseback riding, hayrides, bonfires, and of course worship and amazing talks. It's a chance to find out that you truly are Wonderfully Made! When: June 20-22, 2014 Where: Three Mountain Retreat Center - Clifton, TX Who: Girls, ages middle school to high school What: A retreat to help us see that we truly are Wonderfully Made! If you want more info, click

April 10th, 2014|Upcoming Events, Worship|0 Comments


Is it just me or does your inner self ever ask questions like this? "But I thought as a Christian, I wouldn't have any problems...?" "Why am I still struggling? Shouldn't faith eliminate the struggle?" "I thought Jesus would get rid of my problems. Is there something wrong with me?" Maybe you don't literally ask yourself those questions. But maybe it silently nags at you from time to time. Maybe you, like me, find yourself beating yourself up when things aren't as easy as you felt they should have been. Maybe you are your own worst enemy. I know I

April 2nd, 2014|Christian Life, Worship|0 Comments

Jesus Keeps Disappointing Me

I have a question today. It's simple, really. But I've been pondering it a lot lately. Do you love Jesus? Do I love Jesus? To clarify, in the context of this post, this is not a question for non-believers. Certainly if you don't believe in your need for Jesus, if you're not a believer, I am praying that your eyes will be opened. Certainly if you don't have Jesus, you need Him. But that's for another post. Today's question is for believers - do we love Jesus? I'm not asking this question as some sort of ploy to get us

March 30th, 2014|Christian Life, Worship|0 Comments

A Bold Humility

Bold humility. Humble boldness. No matter how you word it, those two words don't go together. They are counter-intuitive. One should cancel out the other. To the world, that is. But I've learned something pretty profound about God as I've walked with Him - He's all about surprising us with opposite, counter-intuitive, seemingly impossible thinking. When we say, "Stay. It's not going to work," He says, "Go. I've got this." When we think it's crazy, He says it's His plan. When the world says, "Your life has to look a certain way," God says, "Let me show you what real

March 25th, 2014|Christian Life, Worship|0 Comments

A Song For a Friend

Above: Stacy (left) with her beautiful daughter (right) with my husband on our wedding day It was five years ago today. We lost a friend that was one of the most selfless, kind, truly honest persons I've ever met. Her name was Stacy. She was a wife, a mother, a friend, a lover of Jesus. And to me, she was a rock. I miss her every time I have a funny story to tell. I think of her every time I pass by the places we frequented together. I miss her every time something happens in my life

March 2nd, 2014|Christian Life, Family, Worship|1 Comment

Unexpected Turns and Crazy Ideas

When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using the Spirit’s words to explain spiritual truths. But people who aren’t spiritual can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual can understand what the Spirit means. Those who are spiritual can evaluate all things, but they themselves cannot be evaluated by others. For, “Who can know the Lord’s thoughts? Who knows enough to teach him?” But we

February 18th, 2014|Christian Life, Working Life, Worship|0 Comments

Like a Good Little Christian

I used to be a good little Christian. I knew all the Christian-ese. I had a few key scriptures memorized. I did all the things good Christians do - I read my Bible pretty regularly, I went to church every Sunday, I listened to worship music in my spare time, I memorized popular Bible verses. I was really good at acting like a good Christian. And I counted it all as merits in my honor. I was doing a God a favor, I guess. I used to think that there were levels of Christianity. Growing up in church, I was

January 27th, 2014|Christian Life, Worship|0 Comments

Things My Kids Say: No. 020

Sometimes, no let me correct that, all the time, my son who is now three wants to relay what he's seeing, saw, has ever seen, or plans to ever see, many times, all throughout the day. It's a lot like listening to a techno song remix - one incessant replay of the same dang phrase over and over again thrown on top of a beat bed that's also incessantly repetitive and trite. Not that I don't love my son's stories and all... But as of late he's taken to combining everything he's seen and done through the day into one

Sissy Men, Super Women, and the Troubles of the Modern Home

One of the many random courses that I was required to study in my otherwise useless degree was Inter-Personal Communications. Although it had little to do with the direction I had planned to take my Communications Degree of Radio / TV / Film, this class was one of my favorites. It was taught by an atheist professor that didn't like me and my "preachiness" (as he put it) very much. But, oddly, I really liked him. He fascinated me. He looked almost exactly like Christopher Walken, but somehow, with an even surlier demeanor. He was dry and slightly bitter. But

January 21st, 2014|Christian Life, Family, Working Life|0 Comments

Things My Kids Say: No. 019

My mother always said, "Little pictures have big ears." I never understood that until I had children of my own... Virgil: Mommy, that is cray cray. Me: Virgil, let's not say "cray cray." It's not very nice. Virgil: But daddy says "cray cray!" Me: I know, but daddy is teasing when he says it. And he shouldn't say it either. Virgil: Okay, mommy. What the heck? Me: Virgil! We can't say "what the heck" either! It's not nice to say things like "what the heck" and "cray cray." Virgil: Okay mommy. It's not nice to say "beautiful, beautiful, beautiful" either.

I Didn’t Have Time for God

I was too tired to read the Bible. It put me to sleep. I struggled for a long time. I felt like a failure. I looked around me and saw my Christian friends reading the Bible, growing, learning, praying, in what seemed like a perfectly disciplined faith. I felt like I couldn't live up to that anymore because I was a mother. What little time I had to myself, I was too tired to read the Bible. It put me to sleep. I felt so guilty that reading the Word of God put me to sleep, but it did. I

January 9th, 2014|Christian Life, Family, Working Life, Worship|1 Comment

When God Makes No Sense

When you can't feel God, believe He's there anyway. When you can't see God's hand, believe it's there anyway. When you can't understand God's plan, trust it anyway. That's faith, friends. It's easy to see a person of faith and assume they just walk on a bed of roses, perhaps blissfully unaware of the issues around them. It's easy to look at someone else's life and say, "Yeah, good for them, but they have no idea what real suffering is. They have no idea how hard my life or situation is." But they do. How do I know? Because they're

January 6th, 2014|Christian Life, Worship|1 Comment

Things My Kids Say: No. 018

Watching TV with your kids is a learning opportunity. No, not for them. For you. Virgil: Mommy, look at that rocketship! Me: That's not a rocketship, thats a zeppelin. Virgil: No, that's a rocketship. Me: It's called a zeppelin. It looks like a rocketship, doesn't it? Virgil: No, that's a rocketship. I know about rocketships... and puppets. Touché son, touché.

Atheism is Impossible (A New Year’s Revelation)

It's a new year, and while most of us are probably wrestling with our resolutions and how we are going to finally execute them this year, I have a challenge for you. Instead of a resolution, how about you have a revelation? Scientifically, you can't be an atheist. My pastor told a story once about sitting on a plane next to an atheist. He challenged the man by telling him that he thought atheism was scientifically impossible. You can hear his witty banter here, if you want. Or you can read my summary. My pastor challenged the man by pointing

January 1st, 2014|Christian Life, Science|0 Comments

Dangerous Bible Games

It has been fascinating reading the comments you are writing on the posts I've made about Phil Robertson and the Duck Dynasty debacle. I love reading all the different perspectives, yes, even the ones I don't agree with. But I have seen a recurring theme among many of the comments as well as other articles I am reading, whether they are from Christians or non-Christians - and it's a problem that needs to be addressed. We play dangerous games when it comes to Christianity. In my view, there are two main games we play that are both destructive and damning.

December 26th, 2013|Christian Life, Politics|0 Comments

Things My Kids Say: No. 016

Of course, the moment I stick my hands in cookie dough to mix it up, my son yells, "I need to tinkle!" So I decide to brave it and tell him he can go by himself (normally I help make sure he pulls his pants down far enough, aims properly, etc.). When I'm done mixing the dough, I head to the bathroom to check on progress. I hear him flush on my way there and arrive to see that he has successfully used the toilet without making a mess of himself or it. So I exclaim, Me: Good job, buddy!

I Blame God for Phil Robertson

I fear we need to gain a little perspective on the subject of Phil Robertson vs. the entire homosexual community. I've heard a lot of people clarify their stance on the subject with phrases along the lines of, "it's not what he said, it's how he said it." Perhaps we need to have a little reality check. Phil Robertson is an uncouth, backwoods redneck (self-proclaimed). His beard is longer than my hair. His idea of comfortable clothes includes camouflage pants and a camouflage shirt. His idea of Sunday fancies includes camouflage pants and a black shirt. His idea of interior

December 21st, 2013|Christian Life, Family, Politics|18 Comments
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