What Is The Promised One?
In honor of my book's upcoming release, I thought I might share with you a little bit about it. The story of where it came from, how it came about, and some of the why behind The Promised One: The Chalam Færytales. If you're in the street team, or if you've poked around my site or social media enough, you probably know that the first book (actually, the first three books) is an allegory of the Old Testament. In saying that, I want to make something clear: this is not a character for character, scene for scene allegory. Instead, it
Song Story // You Gave It All
I love to share the stories behind my songs. In fact, with most songs I love, I go hunting down the internet for the meaning behind them, and when I find some cool story or inspiration, I usually end up loving the song more. Which is why I started the Song Stories feature on my site. You Gave It All is one of those songs that just came out of me in a matter of a few hours. I sat down, knowing what I wanted to say and I said it. (They don't always happen that way, believe me.) But
Ampersand Write: For Writers, By Writers
So a few months ago, I had this idea: what if I made a group on Facebook for writers? A place where we could learn from each other, grow in our craft, figure out things as a community, problem-solve. So I just made one. I'll never forget that first day when I invited someone to join. About three members in, a person commented on my invitation to join and said, "Why would I join this? There are only three members." I was a little dejected, but I pressed on. Fast forward five months later and we're about 500 members strong
Take Courage – Morgan G Farris
I just love these lyrics — take courage. He's in the waiting.
Let It Be – Morgan G Farris
Because...the Beatles, right?
Hallelujah – Morgan G Farris
Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen. Because...I mean, do I need a because?
Art Inspired by the Books
As a writer, I am deeply inspired by art and music. As an artist and musician, I am deeply inspired by the world around me. So whether I set pen to page, whether I write a song, whether I pick up my (digital) paint brush, I like to think that all of my art—in all of its forms—is really just continuations of each other. That one song led to one art piece, which inspired a scene in a book, which gave me an idea for a melody, which put a poem on my heart, and on and on. And so,
Music that Inspired TPO
So most of you know I'm a musician. It's in my blood, it colors my world. So of course, music has had a HUGE impact on the writing and creation of The Promised One. It has been a labor of love that started with a tiny seed of an idea. Watered with passion and a whole lot of music, a story—a whole world—started growing. It's still growing. I love sharing it with you. So, I thought you might like to hear some of the songs that inspired the books. There are many, many more and I will add them over
Show Your Love – TPO Wallpapers Now Available
Fallen in love with Ferryl and Elizabeth? Yeah, me too. Why not show your love with a little wallpaper? Available for your computer, phone or tablet, you can show the world your love for The Promised One and look good doing it. Many have asked the significance of the image, and while I can't give it all away (because the book will answer most of your questions), I can say that the image is of a chalam tree, chalam being the Hebrew transliteration for dream. The ancient Navarian legends say that those who share of the fruit from a chalam will share of
The Promised One: The Nameless Monster
Oh man, oh man! I'm so excited, guys. It's time for another short story! This one takes us back to the very beginning—back to when Elizabeth and Ferryl first met, when their friendship first bloomed. You'll find out a little more about how Elizabeth came to Navah, about her mysterious past. And you'll find out what the world looked like through her five-year-old eyes. Not to mention you get to meet a whole slew of new characters, including Ferryl's surly brother, Derwin. It was such a blast to get into my characters' heads as children. I've been living in their minds,
The Promised One: A Short Story
I am so very thrilled to share with you something I have been working on for a long time (and consequently, something I've been *dying* to tell you about). I'd like to officially introduce you to the world of The Promised One, a fantasy series I've been writing since 2015. I'm currently immersed in the writing/editing/writing more/editing more life that is novel creation. It's a crazy world that I NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS thought I'd ever want to be a part of. But something just clicked in me one day about two and a half years ago, and since
So every once in a while, I dabble in my artistic side with a brush (or wacom brush, that is). I thought maybe you'd like to see what I do and maybe even purchase prints and more for yourself, if you're so inclined. So I set up a Society6 store. Nothing fancy, just a fun way to get some of my work out there. Hope you enjoy!
Lessons In Unexpected Places
Sometimes the most profound lessons come from the most unexpected places. If you're paying attention at all, you've probably noticed that I haven't posted a blog in a long time. Like, more than a year. There's a reason, actually. Not one about which I will go into much detail at the moment, but suffice it to say that I have a reason for my absence, one that I hope will be something you enjoy. (Annoyingly cryptic, I know.) But not now, soon... That being said, I've recently gone through a rather profound chapter change in my life that I felt worth
The Duggar Formula (and the Pitfalls of the Pedestal)
Today, my heart is truly broken. Today, I mourn. Today, I feel betrayed. Flummoxed. Bamboozled. Duped. I didn't see this coming. Not for a thousand miles. Today the world found out that Josh Duggar is not quite the repented soul he had purported himself to be. I am going to step up to the plate here and admit that I was one of the first to jump on the defensive for the Duggar family, Josh being no exception. I believed him when he said he had made mistakes as a kid and had repented. I believed it because I believe
Forever – Kari Jobe and Gateway Worship
Some of you may have already heard, but something crazy amazing happened this Easter. As part of the Gateway Worship team and choir, it was mentioned that it would be awesome to have a choir descant to sing with Kari at Easter. I took it as a personal challenge and sat down at the piano one afternoon to see if the Lord had anything He wanted to write through me. He did. In the bridge of this song (at the 3:32 mark), you'll hear the descant that I wrote to Kari Jobe's amazing anthem, "Forever." (ProTop: You might even get
The Love of God – Gateway Worship
I had the privilege of helping to write and arrange the background vocal choir parts for this song. I encourage you to listen to the lyrics. They are breathtaking and powerful. And if you look close enough, you might even see me singing with the choir on the front row. 🙂 He is the Lamb, He is the love! Happy listening.
Gateway Worship Live Recording – 5.15.15
Friends, you're invited to join us for the Gateway Worship Live Recording of the new album! It's Friday, May 15, 2015 and we'll be singing some songs you'll know and some new ones, too! Featuring the likes of Thomas Miller, Mark Harris, Kari Jobe-Carnes, Cody Carnes, Anna Byrd, and more! I'll be there, singin' my little heart out with the rest of the team and I hope you will, too! Excerpt from GatewayPeople.com: Walls Are Comin’ Down For the past three years, Gateway Worship pastors and teams have been praying, watching, and waiting on the Lord for what the next
This Blood – Gateway Worship feat. Rita Springer
So I had the privilege of being a part of this. And I still ugly snot cry every time I watch it, the same way I did up on that platform. The Holy Spirit was ALL OVER this. You'll see the audience agreed. Enjoy! (And get some Kleenex.) Artist: Gateway Worship feat. Rita Springer When: Gateway Conference 2014, Southlake, Texas
Song Story // A Little More
I am so excited to share the song A Little More with you. It represents an era of my life wrought by trials, pain, fear and doubt. Ever been there? Thought so. We all have, I would dare say. But in this particular time, I was facing one of the most challenging obstacles of my life so far. And while I knew God, while I knew He was there, I felt very lost and very confused. I see the sunshine but I can't get past the clouds I hear the music but I can't make out the sound It's like I
A Little More (Official Lyric Video) – Morgan G Farris
The official lyric video for the single, A Little More, by Morgan G Farris. Piano/Vocals: Morgan G Farris Drums: Ty Lambert Guitar/BGVs: Halston Portalez Bass/BGVs: Marc Gonzales ©2014 Morgan G Farris. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.
Bless the Lord (10,000 Reasons) – Rehearsal
A little worship rehearsal never hurt anyone. This is one of my favorite worship songs because it reminds me of traditional hymns, a breed of worship I happened to grow up on and still love. Enjoy! 🙂
An Open Letter to My Best Friend
I remember it well. It was six years ago today. Our wedding day. The weather was perfect - sunny, seventy-five degrees, blue skies, crisp, fall air. The grass was still green. The trees still had their leaves. The flowers still had their blooms. It was as if God had put fall on hold for our special day. Everyone marveled at the weather - it was like a dream. "You're so lucky," we heard. "The weather is just gorgeous!" And it was. Fall in Texas is beautiful, but not typically because of the colors, or the foliage; it's beautiful because it's
Things My Kids Say: No. 028
In today's edition of Things My Kids Say, we have what I like to call "Bible Lessons with Toddlers." It's amazing what this kid learns at church... Virgil: Mommy, I learned at church that Noah was swallowed by a bear. Me: No, son, Noah built a boat, Jonah was swallowed by a whale, and David killed a bear. Virgil: No, mommy, Noah was swallowed by a bear. And when I was a boy, I was swallowed by a bear, too. But Spider Man came to save me and when he did I said, "Thank you! Thank you, Spider Man." There
Things My Kids Say: No. 027
Well, I learned something today. Apparently my son already knows about the birds and the bees. And I've just been schooled on exactly how I ended up with my children. Virgil: Mom, did you know that we are your presents? Me: Yes, I did! You are a gift from God! Virgil: Yes! God wrapped us up in pretty boxes and He put ribbons on them. And then he gave the boxes to Jesus and Jesus got in his car and brought us to you! Me: You know son, you're absolutely right! Lesson: learned. Whew. I'm glad that talk is out
Things My Kids Say: No. 026
My son is more clever by the day. I have officially been bested by a three year old... Virgil: Mom, I'm thirsty. Me: Okay, buddy. I'll make you some water. Virgil: I don't like water. Me: Well water is very important to drink everyday. Virgil: Well then why don't you drink water and I'll drink some juice? That's the plan, ok? Me: *shaking my head and wondering where I got this child...