News and Updates

Lost Cause – Music FROM the Chalam Chronicles

Well, folks, the time has come. For years I have teased about music I've been working on. If you've been following closely, you know that I have something a little different in store for you: namely music from my books. That's right. Music. As in a soundtrack. A score. Like a movie. Being an author who is also a musician (or maybe a musician who writes novels, I can't decide), it was probably inevitable that I would write these scenes and characters and moments with a bed of music in mind. And yes, that's what I did. So I decided

A Change is In the Air

If you've sniffed around my website, you may have noticed a quiet little change this summer. Or maybe you've shopped on Amazon and wondered where book 6 went. It's still for sale, never fear. But I've made a change to the series to make it more clear what's going on. When I released book 6 last year, a lot of you were confused why it wasn't Ferryl and Adelaide's story. While I thought I had explained that the book would be a new storyline in the same world, it was obvious fairly quickly to me that I hadn't made that

August 22nd, 2022|Announcements, Chalam Faerytales|0 Comments

Stand By Me // Ben E. King Cover

My latest cover is live on YouTube. Whenever I listen to this song I'm immediately transported to my childhood, dancing on my father's toes in the formal dining room in front of our massive '80s stereo, listening to Motown on his collection of 45s. Aside from the fact that this is an incredible song, it also happens to be quite possibly the world's most perfect. So here's my love letter to those days. Enjoy!

March 24th, 2022|Music, Videos|0 Comments

Volume One Box Set // Preorder LIVE

Guys, so many of you have been asking and asking and asking and the day has finally come... You can now preorder the ENTIRE Volume One of The Chalam Færytales on Amazon! That's right -- all five books in Volume One: The Promised One; The Purloined Prophecy; The Parallax; The Perdurables; and The War and the Petrichor. Preorder Volume I Box Set Not partial books. Not previews. Not novellas. The. Entire. Book. All five of them. Tell your friends. Buy one for your mother-in-law. Give one to your boss. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. The Box Set will

March 2nd, 2022|Announcements, Chalam Faerytales|0 Comments

No Longer Slaves // A21 Fundraiser

Not just the stuff of fiction. Many of you know that my latest book, The Stag at Hand, is a story of a woman trapped in sexual slavery. “I think that you like to hide your fear as long as possible. That you like to square your shoulders and lift your chin and pretend that you are strong. That you are someone worth something.” ~From The Stag at Hand by Morgan G Farris But the truth is, slavery is not just the stuff of fiction or a thing of the past. It is estimated that tens of millions of people

January 12th, 2022|Announcements, Chalam Faerytales|0 Comments

Book 6, The Chalam Færytales Volume II // OUT TODAY

Friends, I am so excited to share with you the 6th book in my series, which is the start of Volume II of The Chalam Færytales: The Stag at Hand. Here is the blurb: Morgan G Farris’s acclaimed series continues with The Stag at Hand, the sixth book in The Chalam Færytales: the story of unlikely allies Miriam and Ezra as they seek to uncover the mystery of the White Stag in a Victorian fantasy world of magic, peril, and devastating romance. A thousand years after the Great War, the world is no closer to peace. The legend of the Promised One has

January 11th, 2022|Announcements, Chalam Faerytales|0 Comments

You’re Invited // One Big Family Christmas Night of Worship

I am so excited to invite you to something we're doing THIS SUNDAY (December 12, 2021) at my home campus. We're calling it One Big Family Christmas Night of Worship. We'll have carols, hot chocolate, carriage rides, and the big guy himself (that's Santa, folks) just might make an appearance. In other words, you're not going to want to miss it! THIS IS A FREE EVENT. All ages are welcome and you don't have to be a StoneWater member (or even to have stepped foot in the doors) to attend! Bring your whole family and let's celebrate this glorious season

December 8th, 2021|Upcoming Events|0 Comments

New Release Date Announced

I didn't want to do this. Truly. I had every intention of releasing Book VI this October. Well, as you can see, it's December and you still don't have the book in your hands. There are several reasons for the delay, but the primary reason has to do with losing my Facebook account entirely (read this post for the details of that saga), which basically sent my entire marketing strategy into a tailspin. Couple that with the holiday season and... voila! The book is delayed. BUT... The new release date has been announced and I am happy to report that

December 7th, 2021|Announcements, Chalam Faerytales|0 Comments

I Need Your Help

I am asking for your help. You may have noticed that on Facebook there has been radio silence from me for a few weeks. There’s a reason for that… My Facebook ad account was hacked and I had thousands of dollars stolen. I plan to share the details of this nightmare more in the future on YouTube and Instagram, but needless to say, this has put a HUGE damper on my plans to release the 6th book in my series, The Stag at Hand. Without a Facebook account, I have no way to promote the book’s release there. It’s a frustrating,

November 8th, 2021|Announcements|0 Comments

The Promised One // Hardcover Now Available

Well kids, I've been teasing it for months, but the time has come! The Promised One is NOW AVAILABLE IN HARDCOVER! You can pick it up anywhere books are sold, but here are a few popular retail sites: Amazon Barnes and Noble The Bookshop I know what you're asking: what about the rest of the series? Keep your shirt on. The rest will follow suit soon! It takes a LOT of work to prep these titles, and since The Promised One is the first to be released in Hardcover, I used it as a template for the rest.

August 30th, 2021|Announcements, Chalam Faerytales|0 Comments

Book Six Title Reveal

I've been waiting a long time to share this with you. There are lots of reasons for that. A global pandemic. A bunch of HUGE changes in my personal life (I quit my full-time job in marketing, we bought a house, I homeschooled my kids last year...), etcetera, etcetera. But the truth is, the main reason I've been waiting is because this book has had to be massaged and ironed out, combed through and perfected for a long time. And there's a reason for that. But more on that later. Without making you wait any longer, I'm so excited to

August 9th, 2021|Announcements, Chalam Faerytales|0 Comments

The Chalam Færyatles // Coming Soon in Hardback

I’ve been waiting with bated breath to announce this. It’s been a long time coming... This summer, I’m FINALLY releasing my books in hardback!!! And in case you can’t tell, I’ve updated the artwork!!!! I am in LOVE with this style. It’s my own hybrid of a few things: Victorian book covers, dark whimsy, and of course, fairy tales. So many of you amazing folks have asked for this. I am thrilled to say they’ll be coming your way soon. And yes, I’ll release the paperbacks with this new art, too. Stay tuned for a release date!

June 14th, 2021|Announcements|0 Comments

The Most Wonderful Time // Christmas EP NOW AVAILABLE

Guys, I've been wanting to do this for years. Transitioning into working for myself full-time has been such a sweet process, affording me the opportunity to do things I've been wanting to do for years. This Christmas EP is a work of love and a fun project that I am so excited to share with you. It's available across all digital distributors and it includes two original Christmas songs, as well as a rather dramatic and over-the-top version of O Holy Night. (You're welcome.) All songs are written, arranged, composed, and performed by moi (except of course, I did not

December 2nd, 2020|Announcements, Music, Writing|0 Comments

The Perdurables – Chapter One

Notice: Contains adult language and thematic violence. Reader discretion advised. Chapter I The attacks always happened in the open air—the wind in her face, the skies clear and cool, and she a target, a beacon. A fool. She banked left hard, dodging a branch as she made for the cover under the canopy. She flew as hard as her wings could carry her, not daring to risk the time it might cost her just to look over her shoulder, to see how close they were. The forest stretched before her—a maze of shadow and moonlight, flora and rot. She could

February 25th, 2020|Sneak Peek Chapter, Writing|0 Comments

The Parallax – Chapter Five

Chapter V "Where is she?” the king asked Michael. After sharing the news with his friends and taking a few moments to let them reel, he had asked Michael to call a council meeting so he could meet with the people who helped run this kingdom. To tell them that damning truth, too. “She said she would be here,” Michael responded, standing shoulder to shoulder with Ferryl. The king’s council room buzzed with advisors—lords and dukes from around the kingdom who had been granted lands, powers, and a place on the council in exchange for loyalty to the throne. In

June 18th, 2019|Sneak Peek Chapter, Writing|0 Comments

The Parallax – Chapter Four

Chapter IV The carriage bumped and jolted down the gravel drive, but Adelaide’s hand rested firmly in her husband’s. The dreary clouds hung low, a blanket of gray over the city of Benalle, casting silvery light through the window and onto Ferryl’s unruly locks. The castle loomed before them, great white stone halls flanked by towering turrets that looked as if they staked the castle to the edge of the cliffs. The black-and-white flag of Navah flew proudly at each corner of the castle, greeting Ferryl’s return. Hailing the return of the king. And the queen they did not know

June 11th, 2019|Sneak Peek Chapter, Writing|0 Comments

The Parallax – Chapter Three

Chapter III General Titus Melamed made his way down the busy streets of the little village near his home. Cobblestones and dirt combined to make a mess of the roads during the wet, cold winter that had settled in northern Midvar. He passed by the apothecary he had visited frequently in the last few weeks, procuring tonics for his wife’s aches and pains. All part of a normal pregnancy, she had promised. He prayed to the gods every day that it was true. But today was not for a trek to the apothecary. Today, he had a very different but

June 4th, 2019|Sneak Peek Chapter, Writing|0 Comments

The Parallax – Chapter Two

Chapter II The room was dark. Too dark for the middle of the day. Michael walked gingerly down the small hall that spilled into the sitting room before him. The windows that boasted views of the hazelnut forest beyond the castle were hidden behind thick velvet curtains, allowing not a single ray of sunlight to penetrate the space. Instead, ghostly orbs of candlelight hovered in the room like the souls of the dead. A candle on a table. A single candle by the chair. Hardly enough light to see the next step in front of him. But Michael walked on.

May 28th, 2019|Sneak Peek Chapter, Writing|0 Comments

The Parallax – Chapter One

Chapter I The snow bit through his gloves, burning his trembling knuckles as they ground into the white expanse. His breath came in gusts, puffing clouds around his beloved’s face as she lay trembling beneath him. He kept his head low, below the fray, his body covering hers as best he could as arrow after arrow whizzed over them. The last one had been too close for comfort, the dribble of blood on her cheek already drying on her skin. “Through the trees!” “Don’t let them get away!” The Haravellian soldiers shouted their commands as the king and queen of

May 21st, 2019|Sneak Peek Chapter, Writing|0 Comments

My Interview with Voyage Dallas Magazine

My Interview with Voyage Dallas Recently, I had the privilege of being interviewed by Voyage Dallas Magazine, a local magazine dedicated to the entrepreneurs and visionaries in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, metroplex. In the article, you'll learn a little bit about my journey from musician to author to publisher, and what's in store for the future! Check out the article below! [av_button label='Voyage Dallas Interview' link='manually,' link_target='_blank' size='x-large' position='center' label_display='' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' av_uid='av-2fb3e0' admin_preview_bg='']

January 30th, 2019|Announcements, Working Life|0 Comments

Happy Birthday, The Promised One!

Happy Birthday, The Promised One. You're still my favorite. I can't believe it's been a WHOLE YEAR since The Promised One made its debut in the world! What a year it has been! In celebration, for one day only, you can get 36.5% off the signed edition of TPO on my website only! (36.5. Get it? 365 days. I mean, you get it, right?) #CleverMarketing Just use the code TPOBIRTHDAY at checkout! Get your copy here! And if you already have one, pick one up for your friends! [av_button label='TPO Signed Edition' link='manually,' link_target='' size='large' position='center' label_display='' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello'

January 9th, 2019|Announcements, Chalam Faerytales, Writing|0 Comments

Get an Autographed eBook!

That's right. An AUTOGRAPHED eBook! Thanks to the awesome folks at Authorgraph, you can now request an autograph of any one of my eBooks. You can check it out here! Happy reading, friends! [av_button label='Get Your eBook Signed' link='manually,' link_target='_blank' size='large' position='center' label_display='' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' av_uid='av-30gu1k' admin_preview_bg='']

December 27th, 2018|Announcements, Chalam Faerytales|2 Comments

The Purloined Prophecy – Now on KU

Well, I've been kicking around doing this for a long time, but I finally decided to give it a go. I am excited to announce that The Purloined Prophecy (The Chalam Færytales, Book II) is now available in Kindle Unlimited! This means that you can read it for FREE with a KU membership. My hope is that it gets the book in the hands of more people who are asking to read it, and that it's a way for people on a budget to enjoy a great story! So share the news with your friends and family and happy reading!

December 26th, 2018|Announcements, Chalam Faerytales|1 Comment

Every Færytale Has a Beginning

Every færytale has a beginning, and every heart has its secrets. I'm so excited to share this exclusive collection of short stories with you -- the story before the story began! Here's the blurb: The accident that nearly ended it all before it began... Prince Ferryl is content with the simplicity of his days with Elizabeth—horse races through the fields and forests, lazy afternoons in their Secret Place... Until one day his whole world comes to a screeching halt. When Elizabeth is thrown from her enigmatic winged horse, the prince is left to grapple with the possibility of losing her

December 7th, 2018|Announcements, Chalam Faerytales|0 Comments
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