
Overcoming the Obstacle of Self

I made up a word the other day. I call it "de-nichefy." Classy, I know. What it means is to stop over-categorizing something down to a tiny description that limits the possibilities of said "thing." In other words, stop limiting. As an entrepreneur and a creative type all rolled into one confused package, I often find myself facing the challenges of owning a business with thoughts like, "I'm not made like that;" or "I'm not good at doing things like

November 4th, 2009|Christian Life|0 Comments

The Artist and the Suit

So I was reading an article on Yahoo! today about the punk movement and how it has become so corporatized that it's no longer punk. It's quite true and I've been saying that for a long time now. But it's kind of the same thing with rock music, country music, Gospel music, and on and on. Really pop is the only one staying true to its roots: make music to make money... PS: you can read the article here.I think

October 5th, 2009|Working Life|0 Comments

Metaphor: A Follow-Up

We talk a lot about faith. We throw around the phrase, "just have faith that it will all work out" (or some variation) haphazardly and frequently. We tell ourselves consistently that there's a bigger plan and we've just got to trust it. And all of that is well and good. All of that is true. But what it doesn't answer is the "how." What does that look like? How does faith look when it is being carried out? Is it

September 14th, 2009|Christian Life|0 Comments


Sometimes I feel like I'm walking a high wire. Perched between what could be and what already is, I walk precariously the fine line in hopes I that I don't misstep and fall flat on my face. I get going pretty good sometimes and think I've got it under control. But I always forget to factor in the wind...The wind can be the whim of a friend, the economy, the attitude I have on a given day. And when it

August 31st, 2009|Christian Life|0 Comments

What goes up, we tear down

I've been thinking a lot about Michael Jackson lately. Some say it's because I'm a victim of the media frenzy going on right now, but honestly I don't watch TV very much. So aside from watching the recap of his funeral last night when I got home, I've experienced very little media on the subject. But the idea of his story is a constant stream of consciousness manifesting itself in various forms from my mind.Today it's a blog.I cannot help

July 8th, 2009|Christian Life|0 Comments

Removes all my doubts…

My friends, if ever I find myself doubting the existence of God, I need only to visit the mountains and my faith is renewed. And the mountain in this particular picture is of special significance since I have been visiting it since I was born.And I am excited to say that this weekend I will stand at the foot of this mountain, awe in my heart at it's majesty, and revel in the wonder of my Creator.I promise to share

June 17th, 2009|Christian Life|0 Comments

Beauty of the Mystery – Morgan G Farris

Morgan G Farris (formerly Lately) performs Beauty of the Mystery in front of a live studio audience for the taping of Daystar's Check the Sound. Recorded September 18, 2008. First aired February 20, 2009. Piano/Vocals: Morgan G Farris Drums: Daniel Taylor Bass/BGVs: Marc Gonzales ©2008-2014 Morgan G Farris. All rights reserved.

June 12th, 2009|Videos|0 Comments

I Got Here – Morgan G Farris

Morgan G Farris (formerly Lately) performs I Got Here in front of a live studio audience for the taping of Daystar’s Check the Sound. Recorded September 18, 2008. First aired February 20, 2009. Piano/Vocals: Morgan G Farris Drums: Daniel Taylor Bass/BGVs: Marc Gonzales ©2008-2014 Morgan G Farris. All rights reserved.

June 11th, 2009|Videos|0 Comments

Reality – Morgan G Farris

Morgan G Farris (formerly Lately) performs Reality in front of a live studio audience for the taping of Daystar’s Check the Sound. Recorded September 18, 2008. First aired February 20, 2009. Piano/Vocals: Morgan G Farris Drums: Daniel Taylor Bass/BGVs: Marc Gonzales ©2008-2014 Morgan G Farris. All rights reserved.

June 11th, 2009|Videos|0 Comments

Can a Christian Believe in Evolution?

I was reared to learn all the answers, stand on them and never waiver. I was reared that "if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." And I believe that. With all my heart I believe that. But the caveat is that I don't believe I get the answers right 100% of the time. I believe that I can learn new things and apply them to my foundation without it negating any principle I stand on. I believe

May 28th, 2009|Science|0 Comments

iPhones, Video Games, and Taking Risks

I readily admit that I'm a late bloomer when it comes to the world of gaming. I never really got into it as a child. My mom wouldn't let us have one (except for playing Frogger and Pac Man on my sister's old Atari) so I never really got into it. I had friends throughout college and even after that were all into games like Halo and whatever else (I have no idea), but I was just never drawn to

May 21st, 2009|Christian Life|0 Comments


Life has moments. Moments of fear. Moments of sadness. Moments of complete joy. Moments of not knowing what the heck to expect next... I'm in one of those moments right now. It's exciting and scary all at the same time. But what I've realized is that God never opens the door you expect or makes things turn out exactly as you hoped. And I believe that's because real faith is not believing so that whatever you want will happen. Real

April 21st, 2009|Christian Life|0 Comments
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