
My Glamorous Life

I learned a good lesson today: white clothing and seven month olds do not mix. I am dressed up today. I have some goals to accomplish so I thought I'd spruce up the wardrobe and go for the sequins and a white shrug. The brilliance behind this is that I fed my son sweet potatoes and corn for lunch. Orange puke does not an accessory make, or at least not a pretty accessory. Sufficient to say, on the way out

June 21st, 2011|Family|0 Comments

Faith that Moves Mountains

I want to have faith that moves mountains. I don't want to be one of those Christians that always talks about "overcoming." I want to be one of those Christians that always looks on the bright side, always focuses on the positive, always thinks there's a way. Not that we don't need to "overcome" now and then. But on this side of salvation, I think there comes a point when we need to stop looking back and thinking "that was

June 20th, 2011|Christian Life|0 Comments

Willing to Go Anywhere

Sometimes things change in a matter of minutes. See, I had this idea. This exact idea of where I was going, how my life would look, where I wanted to end up. I tend to plan. I'm a planner, a big-picture person. I like to look far, far into the future and say, "that's where I'm going." This is great except for one little problem. The details. You know the old saying, "the devil's in the details?" Well nothing could

June 5th, 2011|Christian Life|0 Comments

I’ve got a surprise for you…

I've been working on a song in the studio that no one has ever heard before. I've never played it live. I played it for my husband once about 6 months ago, but he doesn't remember it. hahaha! And I'll be sharing it with you all soon. Hint: it's about a very small person. 😀

February 28th, 2011|Worship|0 Comments

There is no normal life…

...There's just life. I love that quote from the movie Tombstone. (I happen to be a descendant of Wyatt Earp, just FYI. Well actually of his brother Virgil. Pretty cool, right?) There is no normal life. So true. I think we look for it all the time. I think a lot of times we think that "as soon as this and this happens, things will be on track." And maybe they will be. But in my experience, we rarely get

February 23rd, 2011|Christian Life|0 Comments

Are You Dumb Enough?

I recently had a long conversation with a family member about what it takes to be successful. She's been dealing with some pretty heavy stuff in her life, namely the challenge of finding oneself and figuring out what to do from there. She asked me what I had done to be successful. I always find this question funny. You see, I've been in the music industry now for over ten years. I started humbly in my little Baptist church youth

January 27th, 2011|Christian Life|0 Comments

Where Your True Loyalties Lie

Everyone wants a loyal friend. Few realize you have to BE loyal in order to RECEIVE loyalty. Such is life. I am married to one of the most loyal persons I know and it is from him that I have learned most of what I know of true friendship. Life can be riddled with disappointment. Things don't work out like we want, people leave us when we least expect or need it, someone lets us down tremendously. It is for

January 23rd, 2011|Christian Life|0 Comments

Frustrating, to Say the Least

Why are we so apt to sue for every little thing these days? I heard about the class action lawsuit against AT&T for their iPhone exclusivity contract. What??? That deal was made years ago. And they had every right to make it. Why are they just now complaining about it? And now there's a potential class action lawsuit against Apple because Consumer Reports decided to announce that the iPhone is not fit to buy. Nevermind that most, if not all,

July 13th, 2010|Christian Life|0 Comments

Foot-In-Mouth Syndrome and Its Various Consequences

Anyone who knows me personally knows I'm not very good at hiding what I really think. If I'm elated about something, I won't hide it from anyone, even if I try. If I'm disappointed in you, I won't be able to pretend otherwise and I'll wear that disappointment on my shirt sleeve like a badge of courage. In my short tenure in the corporate world, it has become evident to me the need to be able to "play the game:"

April 28th, 2010|Christian Life|0 Comments

Do they like having you around?

Do you know what the number one criticism of Jesus was? Jesus was criticized for being a friend of sinners. Sinners loved being around Jesus. Do unbelievers today love to be around believers? Or do they feel like we think we're better than they are? – Robert Morris A friend of mine posted this quote on fb today. I really like it and it got me thinking... I think we can even take this one step further. You see, Jesus

January 4th, 2010|Christian Life|0 Comments
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