
Just Believe, Somehow

A few years ago I lost my dear friend, Stacy, to a blood clot that led to her sudden passing during childbirth. This is America. Things like that just don't happen very often thanks to modern medicine and all its marvels. So needless to say, we were all shocked. We wondered how something like this could happen, especially to someone who was bringing an innocent little baby into the world - a baby that will never know his own mother.

July 25th, 2012|Christian Life, Family, Worship|0 Comments

From Here to Eternity

My sweet grandmother passed away this week. We knew it was coming soon. Two and a half months ago, she fell and broke her hip. (I mentioned it in my previous post.) She went downhill fast from there and after what seemed like an agonizing two months, it was over. Just like that. It was all over. I've been reminiscing a lot the last few days. I keep looking at the picture of her (above) and thinking about her life.

June 12th, 2012|Family|0 Comments

Heaven Is a Little Closer Now

My husband and I have been trying for another baby. We are so madly in love with our first (Virgil) and it only seems fitting to add another little angel like him to the mix. He will make an awesome big brother. So when I found out last month that I was pregnant, I was stoked. I had a sense that I was pregnant a week and a half before I finally tested positive. Starving, nauseous, tired, cranky, crampy -

May 12th, 2012|Family|0 Comments

Christianity is Rebellious

I am a goodie-two-shoes, ok? There, I admitted it. Ever since I was a kid, I've always strived to please my parents, do what's right, not lie, be home on time, dot my i's and cross my t's. Seriously. It's kind of sickening. Now, as I write this, I'm thirty years old and I can honestly say that I've never really strayed from my perfectionism. That's not to say that I've been perfect. It's not to say that I've never

May 10th, 2012|Christian Life|1 Comment

At Its Purest

I've spent the last few months pondering what worship really means. I've been leading worship now for almost 15 years (I started when I was 5...) 😉 and I have definitely made my share of mistakes along the way. I've admittedly led worship from the wrong place, focusing on my career more than the anointing. There was a time I didn't even understand what anointing was. But as I embark on a new chapter of worship leading with Lately, I've

February 29th, 2012|Christian Life, Worship|0 Comments

Pickin’ and Grinnin’: A Follow-up

I would like to follow up to a previous post I made about worship. I was reading over it tonight and I felt it merited a little more insight. In my previous post (Pickin' and Grinnin') I mentioned how God had used some of my experiences to teach me what worship is supposed to be about and what it's not supposed to be about. So this past summer I started leading worship again for the first time in years. I

December 16th, 2011|Christian Life, Worship|0 Comments

You Should Know That I Am Indeed a Christian Nerd

We either are or we aren't. It's not both. Admittedly, in the recent years of my Christian walk I have been under the impression that it's not effective to be overtly Christian in the eyes of an unbeliever. I thought that the best way to make an impact was to be relevant with a perfect amount of "worldly" peppered in. Not too Christian. Not too secular. Of course, the problem then becomes defining what that means because it can get

October 28th, 2011|Christian Life|0 Comments

A Day in the Life

"A Day in the Life..." My favorite Beatles song and the subject of today's entry. Okay so it's really not a post about a day in my life... I just thought of it, thought it was clever, and chose to name my entry for today after it. After all, what's in a name? I thought it might be interesting to share what has been the most challenging aspect of parenting so far, and what has been the least challenging. My

August 19th, 2011|Family|0 Comments

Thank God for the Midnight Pharmacy

I know I have a lot of lessons to learn. But last night was definitely a lesson I can check off the list. That lesson? NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT INFANT TYLENOL. It was a night like any other, I thought. Virge and I were staying at my parents' house for a little fun weekend with them. He went to sleep with no fight at about 7:30, a little early for him, but he didn't take a long nap that day

August 1st, 2011|Family|0 Comments


Today Virgil is 8 months, 12 days old. So many milestones, so little time. I wish I would have started this blog when he was younger because so many amazing things have happened since that day. First roll over (in the hospital, seriously). First flu (not quite 3 months old). First sitting up (5 months old). First crawl (7 months old). First time to pull up on something (two days ago). First tooth (two days ago). Okay so there has

July 30th, 2011|Family|0 Comments

Original Art – Now on Etsy!

Hi friends, I just wanted to share with you that you can now purchase some of my original artwork on Etsy now! I'll be adding new stuff all the time so check it out often! You are all awesome!! ~Captain

July 26th, 2011|Art|0 Comments

Pickin’ and Grinnin’

I took a break. I took a break from the band. I took a break from leading worship. It was for different reasons than what I now realize I actually needed a break from. My pregnancy gave me an excuse to take a break because I was tired. But I didn't know what I was tired from. I thought it was just drama and the sometimes thankless job of the indie musician. But that wasn't it at all. I needed

July 20th, 2011|Christian Life, Worship|0 Comments
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