It’s Officially the Holiday Season
Yes, my friends, it's officially the Holiday Season. In my book, anyway. And as such, I have something coming. But you'll have to stay tuned to find out. If you haven't yet, like the Morgan G Farris page on Facebook to be the first to know. And get excited!
The Duggar Formula (and the Pitfalls of the Pedestal)
Today, my heart is truly broken. Today, I mourn. Today, I feel betrayed. Flummoxed. Bamboozled. Duped. I didn't see this coming. Not for a thousand miles. Today the world found out that Josh Duggar is not quite the repented soul he had purported himself to be. I am going to step up to the plate here and admit that I was one of the first to jump on the defensive for the Duggar family, Josh being no exception. I believed
Forever – Kari Jobe and Gateway Worship
Some of you may have already heard, but something crazy amazing happened this Easter. As part of the Gateway Worship team and choir, it was mentioned that it would be awesome to have a choir descant to sing with Kari at Easter. I took it as a personal challenge and sat down at the piano one afternoon to see if the Lord had anything He wanted to write through me.He did.In the bridge of this song (at the 3:32 mark),
The Love of God – Gateway Worship
I had the privilege of helping to write and arrange the background vocal choir parts for this song. I encourage you to listen to the lyrics. They are breathtaking and powerful. And if you look close enough, you might even see me singing with the choir on the front row. 🙂 He is the Lamb, He is the love! Happy listening.
Gateway Worship Live Recording – 5.15.15
Friends, you're invited to join us for the Gateway Worship Live Recording of the new album! It's Friday, May 15, 2015 and we'll be singing some songs you'll know and some new ones, too! Featuring the likes of Thomas Miller, Mark Harris, Kari Jobe-Carnes, Cody Carnes, Anna Byrd, and more! I'll be there, singin' my little heart out with the rest of the team and I hope you will, too! Excerpt from Walls Are Comin’ Down For the past
People Get Ready, Crystal Lewis is Comin’!
Friends, I am excited to invite you to Gateway Church (Southlake Campus) this weekend as we have the privilege of leading worship with Crystal Lewis! If you're not a 90s Christian music nerd (as you should be), then let this educate you. And see you there!
This Blood – Gateway Worship feat. Rita Springer
So I had the privilege of being a part of this. And I still ugly snot cry every time I watch it, the same way I did up on that platform. The Holy Spirit was ALL OVER this. You'll see the audience agreed. Enjoy! (And get some Kleenex.) Artist: Gateway Worship feat. Rita Springer When: Gateway Conference 2014, Southlake, Texas
Song Story // A Little More
I am so excited to share the song A Little More with you. It represents an era of my life wrought by trials, pain, fear and doubt. Ever been there? Thought so. We all have, I would dare say. But in this particular time, I was facing one of the most challenging obstacles of my life so far. And while I knew God, while I knew He was there, I felt very lost and very confused. I see the sunshine but
A Little More (Official Lyric Video) – Morgan G Farris
The official lyric video for the single, A Little More, by Morgan G Farris. Piano/Vocals: Morgan G Farris Drums: Ty Lambert Guitar/BGVs: Halston Portalez Bass/BGVs: Marc Gonzales ©2014 Morgan G Farris. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws.
New Single Available Now!
Friends, I am so excited to announce that my new single, A Little More, is now available on iTunes (and many more of your favorite digital music outlets)! This was the last song recorded by Lately and a fan favorite. I hope you enjoy it and please feel free to share it with your friends and family. Let's get the word out! Love to you all! ~Morgan
Bless the Lord (10,000 Reasons) – Rehearsal
A little worship rehearsal never hurt anyone. This is one of my favorite worship songs because it reminds me of traditional hymns, a breed of worship I happened to grow up on and still love. Enjoy! 🙂
A Little More (Single)
A Little More (Single) Morgan G Farris ©2014 Morgan G Farris All rights reserved. Track Listing: 1. A Little More Lyrics and Music: Morgan G Farris Produced by: Morgan G Farris Piano and Keyboards: Morgan G Farris Vocals: Morgan G Farris Background Vocals: Morgan G Farris, Marc Gonzales, Halston Portalez Bass: Marc Gonzales Electric Guitar: Halston Portalez Drums: Ty Lambert