If you’ve sniffed around my website, you may have noticed a quiet little change this summer. Or maybe you’ve shopped on Amazon and wondered where book 6 went. It’s still for sale, never fear. But I’ve made a change to the series to make it more clear what’s going on.

When I released book 6 last year, a lot of you were confused why it wasn’t Ferryl and Adelaide’s story. While I thought I had explained that the book would be a new storyline in the same world, it was obvious fairly quickly to me that I hadn’t made that change abundantly clear. So a LOT of you were confused.

After talking it over with a few trusted readers, friends, and my editor, we decided a change was in order. Namely, the first five books in my series: The Promised One, The Purloined Prophecy, The Parallax, The Perdurables, and The War and the Petrichor will REMAIN in the Chalam Færytales volume.

However, moving forward, The Stag at Hand, and all the subsequent books about Ezra, Miri, and Ari will have a new home.

Introducing: The Chalam Legends

Not only will the Legends be a new volume in the overarching series, they will get a facelift, too, in order to keep them distinguished from the Færytales.

Moving forward, ALL of my books will fall under one umbrella world: The Chalam Chronicles. Under the Chronicles, you can now read the Færytales (books 1-5) and the Legends (books 1+). This way, it’s a little clearer: all the books are in the same universe, but not all the books are in the same timeline.

That being said, I know a lot of you are wondering… when is book 7 (now Legends book 2) coming out? Well, I am so excited to say that it is DONE and goes into the hands of the editor next week!

In the coming weeks, I’ll be releasing sneak peeks from the new book, as well as cover reveals‡ for The Stag at Hand and the next book. I can’t wait to share this next installment in Ezra and Miri’s adventure with you!

Thank you so much for being such supportive readers. It means everything!

‡Insider secret: I’ve already secretly revealed The Stag at Hand cover on my website… You’re welcome!

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