I’ve been waiting with bated breath to announce this. It’s been a long time coming…

This summer, I’m FINALLY releasing my books in hardback!!! And in case you can’t tell, I’ve updated the artwork!!!! I am in LOVE with this style. It’s my own hybrid of a few things: Victorian book covers, dark whimsy, and of course, fairy tales.

So many of you amazing folks have asked for this. I am thrilled to say they’ll be coming your way soon. And yes, I’ll release the paperbacks with this new art, too. Stay tuned for a release date!

The Promised One Special Edition

In tandem with the release of the hardbacks, I’m also releasing a Special Edition of The Promised One. If you’ve followed my journey from the beginning, you might remember that I found a new editor beginning with The Purloined Prophecy. She has, without a doubt, elevated my writing, challenged me to grow, and as a bonus, become a true friend. Because of that, I have always felt like The Promised One could benefit from her wisdom. So the manuscript is in her hands right now.

Don’t worry — nothing of the storyline is changing. Honestly, more than anything she’s simply going to help me polish the book to the same standards as the rest. So when the hardback drops, it will be a shiny new manuscript to go with it.

And then… (cause I know you’re thinking it)… Book Six is still scheduled for a fall 2021 release. I will be announcing that title and cover soon, too!

Until then, happy reading, dragons!

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